View Scheduled Transfers

If you have access to one or more checking or savings accounts for which transfers are available, on the Transfers page you can see a list of the transfers that you have scheduled.

To view scheduled transfers:

  1. From anywhere in the online banking service, in the primary navigation area, click Transfer. The Transfer page appears. Scheduled transfers appear at the bottom of the page.
  2. If the From account drop-down list appears at the top of the Scheduled transfers section, select the account for which you want to view scheduled transfers.


For each scheduled transfer, information appears in the following columns:


Account number and either nickname or title of the originating account.


If the From account drop-down list is available, this field does not appear.


Account number and either nickname or title of the destination account.


If you do not have access to the destination account, the account type and account number appear.


Date on which the schedule will generate the next transfer.


Recurrence information for the scheduled transfer, including the recurrence frequency and the number of transfers remaining on the schedule. For some schedule types this field may also include the days or dates on which the schedule generates transfers.


Amount that the scheduled transfer will transfer.


User-typed transfer description along with system-provided transfer description. Users can type only alphanumeric characters of length up to 30 characters.


Depending on an account's security settings, the system may replace one or more characters in the account number with a masking character such as "*."

See Also

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